of the Universe – Edward Harrison (1985)
I have always been very curious when
it comes to the subject of perception.
Perhaps this comes from having worn eyeglasses from a very early age,
but the awareness of difference in perception between two people probably began
there. Even now, after over 4 decades of
living, I find it very hard to adequately explain how frustrating it is to me when
I am not wearing my glasses to someone who has never worn them before. This glitch in communication magnified a
thousand-fold, is what occurs when people who live in a Christian universe
attempt to merge their world-view with someone who is Hindu, or vice
versa. We all assume that the universe
we experience every day is the same universe that others live in, and any
inconsistencies are tossed off by assuming the other person is mistaken, or
deluded, or just plain stupid. What
Edward Harrison discusses in this cool book is the difference between the personal
universes we as people and societies create and live in, and the Universe at
large which encompasses all of existence.
Mr. Harrison draws a distinction
that is critically important. An
individual’s view of the world at large, and their place in it, is labeled a “world
picture.” Each of us carries a world
picture in our minds that defines the universe around us, changes due to new
stimuli, and is based on our personal experience, as well as the
education/indoctrination that we receive about the universe we all share. A lower-case “universe” is the collective
ideas of the culture and society that an individual happens to find themselves
living in. For example, a human living
in NYC in 2016 lives in a universe that is “explained” by science, contains
very little overt religion compared to past universes, is run by our supposed “free
will,” etc. 500 years ago however, the
average human being lived in a universe where any event was ruled by mysterious
unseen demons or angels, where free will did not exist, where life was brutish
and short and meant only to wait until death and eventual entry into an
afterlife. Two thousand years ago the
average human lived in a universe where gods were abundant, fought each other,
had petty human qualities, and where the appropriate ritual or incantation to
the proper god would guarantee a good harvest.
Each of these universes were self-consistent. The ideas we now think are stupid were seen
as “common sense,” and to question them could, at times, send you to your death
as a heretic.
What is urgently explained by Mr.
Harrison is that our current universe is also not The Universe, but yet another
filter by which we view ourselves and our world, and our place in it. In the future our universe may be seen as
ridiculous and wrongheaded, just as we see the universes of past people’s
sometimes. The Universe itself never
altered, but our human-created vision of what the universe is and was changes
as humans develop intellectually. One
big problem is that humans very rarely are able to step outside the confines of
their world-picture to see the bigger universe they collectively reside in, or
to step out of their culture’s universe to grasp things at the level of The
Universe. Not all universes are
beneficial to humanity, just as some world-pictures are twisted and
demented. For 400 years the western
world lived in a universe where witches and Satan were active players in day to
day life, where no matter how many innocent people were burned at the stake for
witchcraft, the Inquisition would always find more and more. This was a universe in direct odds with the
one described in the Bible, but by this time the word of theologians and church
leaders took on more weight than the very scripture they supposedly based their
religion on. Corruption can affect even
whole universes of thought.
Books such as these are invaluable
to me because they help remind me that those people who seem ignorant because
they espouse a world-view that I do not follow or agree with, are all floating
around in a universe they did not create, and which they are grasping to
understand, just like we all are. It
also helps me somewhat understand the minds of the early humans and the
universe they lived in, before organized religion or a designated order of
humans who are the intermediaries between humanity and the gods. The universe that ancient humans lived in was
alive in ways that our universe cannot approximate, and which will never come
around again. Each universe is
self-consistent. In a universe where
witches run the show, you will find evidence of witches everywhere you
look. In a universe where all things are
divine and have a spirit/soul then it makes perfect sense to worship the cave
in which you found shelter, or to yell at the rock which stubbed your toe, so
it knew you were mad and would never do it again.
At least one soothing thought comes
to my mind. The Universe has been and is
and will be here whether or not our own personal universes are true, or whether
our world-pictures are erroneous. Life,
energy, matter, and everything that comes with them are an inherent part of The
Universe, and our “universes” are the mental structures that us humans create
to try and make sense of The Universe, of which we will only ever be allowed an
exceedingly tiny glimpse at. Better a
tiny glimpse than no glimpse at all!
(To read the Introduction from Masks of The Universe in PDF form, click here: )
(This book can be purchased here: AMAZON )
(To read the Introduction from Masks of The Universe in PDF form, click here: )
(This book can be purchased here: AMAZON )
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